2.MIT 主席 L. Rafael Reif 在事發後發表了內部信件,除了表示對於這位天才的不捨之外,也表示因為這個事件促使他認為在這個複雜的事件中,每個相關的單位都該重新檢視自己在這個事件中,扮演什麼角色,以防止未來類似的悲劇發生。因此他召開了一個特別小組,希望調查從2010年MIT發現了關於這個事件他們的校園網路中有不尋常的網路活動開始,一直到現在不幸發生的期間,所有相關的活動以及MIT當時採取的措施。希望藉此從中學習他們是否做錯了什麼,以及應該怎麼做。(TechCrunch引述全文連結)
•We call for this tragedy to be a basis for reform of computer crime laws, and the overzealous prosecutors who use them.
•We call for this tragedy to be a basis for reform of copyright and intellectual property law, returning it to the proper principles of common good to the many, rather than private gain to the few.
•We call for this tragedy to be a basis for greater recognition of the oppression and injustices heaped daily by certain persons and institutions of authority upon anyone who dares to stand up and be counted for their beliefs, and for greater solidarity and mutual aid in response.
•We call for this tragedy to be a basis for a renewed and unwavering commitment to a free and unfettered internet, spared from censorship with equality of access and franchise for all.
For in the end, we will not be judged according to what we give, but according to what we keep to ourselves.