A Japanese digital fine artist. Born in 1968, he has created artworks relating to the universe including CG animation pictures, digital prints, posters, illustrations for astronomical books and magazines.
The main themes of his work are the universe, the blue planet, and humankind as a part of the universe --- their dreams and yearnings. His artistry and scientific accuracy enable him to embody the beauty that integrates all the elements of the universe.
His constellation pictures are made into jigsaw puzzles, which are gaining popularity around the world.
Kagaya 加賀谷穣,日本人,1968年生,埼玉县人。
1968 年出生于日本埼玉县。孩提时代,他就对自然科学和宇宙学非常感兴趣。
1984 开始对计算机发生兴趣。
1988 进入东京图形设计学校(Tokyo Designer School of Graphic Design)学习设计。开始职业绘画生涯。
1990 从上述学校毕业, 开始为Hoshino-techo co.,ltd工作。作为一种全新的方式,他开始使用计算机绘制框架和合成他的作品。
1995 开始"纯数字绘画("Pure Digital Painting")",从框架到颜色直到完成整个作品。
1996 "黄道12宫插图"在日本发行。
1997 开始"天体探索"("Celestial Exploring")的制作。
1998 获由Trans-Modern Art Ltd.,颁发的"数字精彩艺术会议"98年度的金奖。"天体探索"在日本发行。
1999 "天体探索"油画版发行。
2000 "黄道"(the Zodiac)油画版发行。"周围"("Ambiente")获得由Hewlett-Packard Co.颁发的第七届年度微型发行新闻数字艺术大赛 ("the Seventh Annual Micro publishing News Digital Art C-ontest")数字绘画一等奖